
Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Kimchi and Apples: You Will LOVE This Recipe

When I received a preview copy of Joe Yonan's latest cookbook, Eat Your Vegetables, I knew I would have to make his kimchi recipe. And I did. As soon, that is, as my friend Cecilia generously shared with me her stash of Korean red chile flakes. The recipe worked great, and I will share it with you next week. But I could not wait to share with you one of the dishes I made with my homemade kimchi: Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Kimchi and Apples. The recipe was inspired by Joe's Grilled Kimcheese recipe, but I changed the type of bread and cheese used and chose to use an apple instead of a pear.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Kimchi and Apples
Serves 1

2 teaspoons olive oil
2 slices raisin pecan bread
2 slices Muenster cheese
1/4 cup kimchi
1 small apple, sliced {I used one of the many apples I picked myself} 

1. Put together your sandwich: bread, cheese, apple slices, kimchi, cheese, apple slices, bread.
2. Heat the oil in a nonstick skillet. Saute the sandwich on one side for about 4 minutes, then very carefully using a spatula (or two) flip it and saute for 4 more minutes.

How gorgeous does that look???? Slice the sandwich diagonally and eat immediately.

As soon as I ate this grilled cheese with kimchi and apple sandwich, I wanted to make another one..but I resisted. I loved how the sweetness of the apples and the raisins in the bread contrasted with the spicy kimchy and mild Muenster. I think the kimchi really shined in my creation.

Would you give this sandwich a try? Please do!!

For other things to make with kimchi, check out my recipes for Oatmeal with Kimchi & Fried Egg, Kimchi Soup, and Kimchi Fried Rice. I've also made a Kimchi & Tuna Melt for my Monday night dinner by combining tuna with a bit of mayonnaise and chopped onion and adding it to two slices of bread. I then topped the tuna with kimchi and Muenster cheese and broiled the two open-faced sandwiches for 5 minutes: incredible!

Make sure to come back next week to check out Joe's recipe for kimchi and a bit more information about his cookbook.

What's your favorite way to cook with kimchi? What's your favorite "unusual" addition to a grilled cheese sandwich?


  1. That is one gorgeous sandwich! Sounds like it has some great sweet and tangy flavors going on too!

  2. Monet@anecdotesandapples.comNovember 06, 2013

    I am obsessed with kimchi, so I know that I would be IN LOVE with this beautiful sandwich. Just finished a huge meal but I'm already hungry after looking at this!

  3. chezsasha.comNovember 07, 2013

    Muenster and apple grilled cheese on pumpernickel is my faaavorite grilled cheese combo ever. Another great addition to grilled cheese: pesto :)


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