
Perfect Holiday Ice Cream: Cranberry Ice Cream with Dark Chocolate

Do you eat ice cream in the winter? Why not?

Recently, I realized that I didn't used my ice cream maker a single time this summer: what a horrific realization. But don't worry: all that changed after I saw a recipe for Cranberry Ice Cream from Wonky Wonderful, which was profiled on TheKitchn.

Here's what I liked about the recipe:
1) It did not require making a custard.
2) The color of the ice cream is GORGEOUS.
3) It's a perfectly seasonal ice cream without having pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon (all the flavors that I do not like).
4) It was easy enough to incorporate chopped dark chocolate to make the ice cream more to my liking.

You basically start with fresh cranberries, which you then turn into a cranberry sauce by cooking them with a bit of water and salt.

After cooling down the sauce you add it to a blender with orange juice. Then you are supposed to cool it down and add to a milk, sugar and heavy cream mixture.

I cheated and blended all the ingredients together:

I also tried to cheat and not chill the mixture before adding it to my ice cream maker. That did not work at all.
Lesson: do NOT cheat.
Once the mixture was properly chilled and churned in the ice cream maker, I added a chopped bar of 85% cacao chocolate (aka dark chocolate....aka the only chocolate I like).
Here's what it looked like:

I then transferred the ice cream to a plastic container and put it in my freezer for a few hours before scooping it.

I'm a huge fan of this recipe. And I think it would work equally well with other purees (think peach, nectarine, mango, etc).

What's your favorite winter ice cream flavor?


  1. That color is spectacular and I love that you added chocolate. I made a cranberry granita for Thanksgiving, which started similarly.

  2. Belinda @zomppaDecember 11, 2013

    I am SO IN LOVE with the combination of colors and flavors!


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