
AmazonFresh in Northern VA and MD: The Grocery Store at Your Doorsteps

If you know me, you know that 1) I have little patience 2) I like things that are incredibly convenient 3) I believe time is money.

Perhaps that's why I've been an Amazon Prime member for several years. Yes, there's a fee, but it allows you to get free shipping and handling on many items. Need a last minute gift? You got it! Need a box of toilet paper and don't have a car and don't want to schlep it? No problem: order it on line. Plus, there's music, Transparent, and Catastrophe!

Last week, thanks to a gift card from Amazon, I was able to try out AmazonFresh. If you live in Northern Virginia or Maryland, you can now order pretty much anything you'd normally buy at a grocery store from the convenience of your own home and have it delivered the same day to your door or choose a date in the near future! You can either pay a monthly fee of $14.99 {in addition to your Amazon Prime membership} or try it for one month for free and see what you think.

Here's why this is great:
1) you don't have a car and are sick of carrying groceries by hand
2) you are sick and don't want to bother friends to bring you soup, milk and bread
3) you are coming home after a long vacation and want to have a few necessities and fresh produce waiting for you when you fly in

In fact, you can order everything from fresh meat and seafood, to frozen pizza, baked goods, dairy, pet supplies and beauty products!

When figuring out what to order, here are the things that I thought about:

1) I wanted to order fresh produce to check out the quality and freshness
2) I wanted to be a bit reckless and order fresh fish!!!
3) To make sure to get enough for $40 minimum to qualify for free delivery, I ordered a large container of detergent and a few random things.

My thoughts
1) The ordering process was incredibly easy. You can use preset categories to search for specific items or type in what you want in the search box.
2) AmazonFresh did a lovely job of suggesting extra items you may want to add to your order. For example, when I selected Atlantic Cod, I was asked if I'd like to also buy a lemon and parsley.
3) If you are into organic produce and products, you will find a wide selection of such items on AmazonFresh.
4) The prices were comparable to what I would pay otherwise at my grocery store.
5) I really liked the option of getting my order delivered for the 4-6pm "window." This allowed plenty of time to use the fish I ordered to make dinner!
6) You even have an option to order local products: in Northern VA this means Compass Coffee, Cake Love products, etc.

Basically, I'm a fan!!!

Disclosure: Amazon provided me with a gift card to try AmazonFresh service. All opinions are my own.

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